Saturday Stories with Gitanjali Babbar
G.B. Road is a place where no woman would go voluntarily. Or so you'd think. Home to 77 brothels with about 4,000 women and 1,500 children, it is the largest red light area of Delhi, India.

Couple years ago, Gitanjali Babbar walked right in. She quite literally knocked on the brothel doors, walked up the narrow staircases, and talked to the people there-- sipped tea with the brothel owners, listened, laughed, and offered small gestures of care to the women. Since then, she launched Kat-Katha, an organization that transforms brothels into classrooms, empowering sex workers and their children to grow into educated, informed, spirited, and self-sustaining individuals.

Gitanjali is woman on a mission, a seeker journeying the path, and a sister connecting with family in the most unlikely of places. Amid all the external impact (like her various fellowships and TEDxTalk), Gitanjali cares most about connecting with the human spirit. She stops to reconfigure her inner alignment. Last February, she partook in a 30-day Transformation "In-Turnship" at the Gandhi Ashram, where she engaged in daily practices like meditation and sweeping, and held circles with servant ladders from all walks of life. This past Spring, she and a team of volunteers beautified the streets of GB Road, picking up trash, painting murals, and co-creating a street celebration of small acts of great love.

Join us this Saturday to hear stories and share reflections from her colorful journey:

5:00-6:00 pm - Meditation
6:00-6:30 pm - Gitanjali's Stories of the Heart
6:30-7:15 pm - Dynamic Q&A and Reflections
7:15-9:00 pm - Dinner and Inspired Connecting

Space is limited. Please RSVP for location details.